Mother’s Blessing


Blessingway is an ancient ceremony originated in the Native America Navajo tribe. The people who emerge from the desert and live close to the land. The essence of the ceremony is to celebrate the mother to be, along with other meaningful women in her life.

In the ceremony we are creating a sacred space, a circle, where women come together and allow themselves to be their true self. Authentic with all of our vulnerabilities and strengths.
Into the space that is created by us all (and somewhat navigated by me, the facilitator), we give gratitude and show our appreciation of the mother to be. This day is all about her.

The circle is designed to create some energetic connection between the group and the mother to be, so she is able to easily access the group’s strength and good intentions during labour.
We do this through tying a red cotton ribbon around each others’ wrist. We keep this on our wrist until we receive a call that our mother to be is in labour. All the group members undo or cut the ribbon at the same time.
Traditionally the circle will also include tying a bead into a main necklace. Each participant is encouraged to bring a bead that symbolises or reminds her of the mother to be. Before each woman ties her bead, she may want to share something about how she knows the mother to be, what she means to her, the nature of their friendship/ relationship, or anything else that she is comfortable to share with others. It is usually in this part where the hearts open, tears coming and a connection is deepening.

Other activities can include chanting, saging, card readings, painting mandalas on mothers’ tummy, using crystals and essential oils. These are only a small number of examples. The sky’s the limit. If you can dream it we will make it!

We design the Blessingway ceremony together, this is 100 percent firstly how you, the mother to be, would like it to look and feel like. I am there to help navigate the ceremony, guide and hold a space for you and your closest people.

We finish by closing the sacred circle with blowing out a candle. The individual candles are usually gifted to each guest. We light them together and we blow them together. When labour comes and after we cut the red ribbon, we all light the same candle again, to join in prayer of a healthy and easy birth.

Blessingway is held at about week 37 or 38. It is held at your preferred location and includes sharing kai/ food at the end. No alcohol. You want to allow 3 hours, but of course your guests are welcome to stay longer.

If this authentic sharing and safe healing and harmonious space sparks something in your heart, please get in touch with me. I will hear what your goals are and how you envision for this to be and together we can create this for you and your community.

Request An Appointment With Zohar

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