Universal Light

Healing can appear in different ways. For some people who are very sensitive to touch and/or their environment, using a modality that uses speech, coaching, and guidance can be a good starting point in their healing journey.

Universal light is the vital energy of our life source. It has a variety of names in different tribes and traditions, but essentially all which are holding the same meaning (Life source).
Some of these names can be described as: Mouri, Qi, Prana, Shchina, Soul, Spirit, God, Universe and so forth.

Angela developed her therapeutic skills by accessing higher frequencies connected with the Universal Light, in the aim of helping you access abundance in every aspect of your life.
She offers Channeled and Psychic Readings (Medium), Energy Empowerment Coaching, Crystalline Activation and Angel Medicine.
Some of the conditions this type of work is effective for are: mood swings, blocked creativity, suppressed emotions, overcoming trauma, headaches, stress and anxiety, digestion problems, skin conditions, fatigue and more.

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